Jan 2024The concept behind TINTED MIRROR was to create a real-time interactive AI mirror so that people could see themselves however they wanted.
As a poet by background, my biggest frustration with that medium was the inability to see my poetic visions actualized in reality. With TINTED MIRROR, I was able to get one step closer to speaking beauty into existence.
I built this by coding up a React web app that took in live video feed, automatically took 10-15 screenshots a second, sent the base reality images along with a prompt to an AI model hyperoptimized for quick AI image generation, then outputted the results at 10-15 frames per second. Given movies are at 24 fps, the effect ends up feeling fairly real-time.
I have many other installation art concepts in mind to apply this technology, which I’m currently calling PORTAL, HOLOGRAM, DOPPELGANGER, 3RD PERSON & OFF-BLACK BOX.